...because hubby offered to buy me a nice pair of boots, and I told him I'd rather spend the money on droid parts!
So over the weekend we went tool shopping: bought a Dremel Router and Drill Press. I have two Dremels, so even if I blow one out (as Dave Everett says he did) I'll still be good to go -- and I really couldn't justify buying a regular router (hubby has an old one if I must use a router) or drill press for just this project. Hopefully this will work out.
I was lucky to get a JEDI Control System and to get in on the Display System run. Those are fancy names for some of the electronics kits the club has made available to those of us who might be "technically challenged." More bits will be needed (along with genius Uncle help) but I'm liking crossing stuff off my "to order" list.
While out tool shopping I actually bought my first droid part: the braided "battery cables" for his feet -- whoooo! Yes, I'm easily thrilled. Yesterday I ordered his arms, too, as I'll be needing those to build part of his body. Plus, he might want arms. I would. Just sayin'.
Finally, my tabloid paper arrived so I spent today printing out the plans: wow -- glad I ordered 100 sheets! Nearly used them all up! But they are all printed out and organized now...
I need to do some data entry* on my spreadsheets to track my spending before it gets out of hand. At least my only other planned immediate expense is the actual styrene -- hopefully tomorrow!
I want to fix up this blog too -- it's pretty ugly! Maybe this weekend...
*again...don't laugh.
Star Wars Night with the Anaheim Ducks - 2024
4 weeks ago
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